It's On

by 10:01 PM 0 COMMENTS
As anyone can see, I have not been very active here as of late. The past few weeks I've been more focused on spiritual matters and making sure I'm right with God. As a result, I've set most of the political stuff aside for a while.

Now, it is after Memorial Day and we have a little more than five months until the November election. Not only do I want to see large change take place across the country. I'm trying to make change take place in my own back yard. I'm running against a popular incumbent, as a third party candidate. I'm the underdog. Whether I win or lose, I'm not going to run a typical campaign. No empty promises, no telling people what I think they want to hear. Just the plain inconvenient truth.

I will not fight to get anyone a free lunch. I'm not going to create jobs. I'm not going to create new programs. The people of Utah need to hear the truth. The truth is, work or perish, the government is not going to save you. The government will however suffocate you, if we continue on this path.

In the coming weeks, I will be cross-posting some of my positions that I have on my campaign site, here. I'll also have a few rants.



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