by 7:04 AM 0 COMMENTS

I have heard many powerful sermons and testimonies concerning the Atonement of Christ, but there is one that stands above others in my mind and heart. It was given in October of 1985 by ailing LDS Apostle (he died of cancer a few days later) Bruce R. McConkie. Before a satellite broadcast to the church he bore one final testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ and the events of the first Easter morning.

Of all the holy days in Christianity, none is more important than Easter. Every thing we hope and believe revolves around the events of that first Easter morning. Kings and heroes have had conquests that echo throughout history; but none compare with the conquest of he who was despised and rejected. On that day, Christ our Lord stood triumphant over the grave forever bursting the bands of death.

It is my testimony, that he lives; and because he lives, the sting of death is forever removed.



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