by 9:09 PM 0 COMMENTS
This past week, I have been quite busy with training. I'm starting to understand how cattle feel. The next few weeks will be more of the same. I not will be able to comment as much on other blogs either, but I will stop will when occasion permits.

A few weeks ago, I wrote a letter to the local newspaper, back home. I blasted the the way the fire was handled and the circumstances that create the fire problem in the west. This week they published the letter: http://www.richfieldreaper.com/articles/2010/10/13/opinion/letters_to_the_editor/01.txt

As I have been sitting in waiting rooms, I've been watching some of the political debates. Far too often, many conservative candidates try to side step issues that should be strengths. In one debate a candidate was if she was against abortion. You know that she was, but she side stepped the question. Yes, conservatives need to reach out to undecided voters, but that does not mean we need to pretend to be something we are not. I want candidates that will look me in the eye and say what they mean, not what they think I want to hear. You can't please everyone all the time, but if you are honest, people will respect your honesty. We need more leaders like Chris Christie and less like John McCain.

One more thing... Utah and Boise State can beat any back east school.



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