by 6:12 AM 0 COMMENTS

It is with great pleasure, I give you the team of DON'T TREAD ON ME:

Ben "The Tank" Gridley
Ben, brings a correct understanding concerning the proper role of government. He looks beyond the confines of party politics to frame issues in proper perspective. With a keen understanding of monetary policy and the free market, Ben adds an essential element to our team.

Jessica Hansen
Jessica, is mother and proud Army wife. She is a conservative who wants a better tomorrow for her children. She brings with her the love of God and country our nation badly needs. With a great enthusiasm, she greatly enhanced the content provided on our site.

Hyphenated is a Russian U.S. immigrant, who saw first hand all the flaws of the Soviet system. From the current Middle East issues, to the deception of leftist media, he writes on a wide range of issues. You can find his other writings at his blog, Hyphenated-American

Michael Herren
Michael, brings an insightful social conservative perspective. However, he is no stick in the mud, besides a love for fine music (such as Metallica), he brings a great sense of humor. If you prefer common sense over the dogma of the thought police, he is right up your alley.

Parnell Tator

Parnell, provides a lighthearted, but insightful approach to the news and issues of the day. He provides clean outside the box political and social humor. He brings with him a prolific background in off the wall satire, including authoring the famed Parnell Newsletter.

Patrick Carroll
Writing from the land down under, Patrick Carroll, brings a valuable conservative perspective. He makes clear the importance of what is happening in Australia and why conservatives around the world should take notice. You can read his other writings at It's A Matter Of Opinion.

Paul Olsen

Paul, is a patriot dedicated to the preservation of our constitutional liberties. He brings with him a correct understanding of the principals our nation was founded on, and the nature of natural law. He helps to illuminate the dangers of the growing state sponsored sectarian church.

Republican Mother
Republican Mother is not a typical blogger. She deals with a variety of subjects often ignored by the corporate media. From international finance to unwritten history, she gives in depth analysis on information the globalists have tried to bury. You can read her other writings at The Republican Mother.

Trestin Meacham

I'm just another person concerned about the direction of our nation and the world in general. My focus is on long term trends rather than short term issues and leaders. I feel particularly impressed to deal extensively on the twin evils of socialism and socioeconomic globalization. I also deal with local politics.



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