by 7:33 AM 0 COMMENTS

Almost ten years ago, I was lying comfortably in my bed, in Monroe, when I awoke to news came that New York was under attack. Today, I’m half a world away in the African desert. As I woke up this morning in my rack, I grabbed my laptop to read my emails and the news. When I saw the headline, I could not believe it. Within a few minutes the President made his address.

I sat in my rack for a few minutes and thought about what this meant. I then got up, put on my boots and uniform, and went to work. As I walked through the base I could see the smiles on the faces of other Sailors and Marines, some of whom had lost friends in this war. When I arrived at my building we joked about how we should have the day off, but we knew there would be no rest today. It was business as usual all day long.

When I could find the time I left Facebook messages with others I had served with. For the first time in what seemed like forever, Americans across the nation were celebrating. For one day, all of our divisions did not mean as much. I will never forget this day.

I have a lot of questions, but I'll wait and see. Now is not the time.

As a Navy guy, I was glad to see the Seals were the ones who got him. They are indeed our finest.



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