by 4:20 AM 0 COMMENTS
Parnell joined the sight in January of 2011 and has been on a role ever since. His blend of off the wall humor and common sense observations provide a balanced approach to how this website deals with news and events.

Some of his accomplishments include:
  • Publishing the wildly successful Parnell Newsletter in the mid-90's
  • Over a hundred French villages burned during his Viking days
  • Invention of the most glories element known to man, Reaganite
  • His bunker being featured in militia America's top 100 decked out cribs
  • Speaks over 2700 unknown languages
  • Indonesia's most beloved romance novelist
  • Owner of the worlds largest Star Trek commemorative plate collection

When I first met Parnell, he was nothing more than a flannel wearing 90's child. As the years have passed I've seen his interests grow from trivial matters like the true origins of the Smurfs,to why our taxes so high. I look forward to more from him in the near future.



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