by 8:36 AM 0 COMMENTS
Many will claim that food shortages are a result of over population and dwindling resources. This is a complete and total lie, and those that seek to promote this as truth are either slaves to ignorance or masters of evil.

The truth is modern technological advances in agriculture have made it possible for us to handle a much greater world population than we presently have. There are multiple reasons for food shortages, but three main reasons are driving this trend. The two most significant reasons are completely the fault of mankind, the third reason is combination of bad policy and nature.

Five years ago, global warming was all the rage. Al Gore and his media minions were striking fear into the hearts of millions of people. A few of us tried to point out the flaws in their arguments but were mocked as scientific heretics. Since that time we have had five of the coldest winters on record coupled with unusually short summers. In response to these overwhelmingly obvious naturally occurring facts, they have re-branded global warming as climate change. Most environmental zealots still believe it is warming. If their professors told them the sky is actually red they would believe them. The truth is we are currently in a period of global cooling. Is it going to be an ice age? We really don’t know, climate is far too complex with far too many variables to accurately predict. The geologic record shows us the temperature is constantly changing.

Much of what they are calling for has been mild annoyances, but two of the items being pushed by the environmental movement are dangerous.

Bio fuels
Some environmental groups have successfully lobbied governments to divert large amounts of agricultural resources to the production of cleaner burning bio fuels. Bio diesel and ethanol sound like a great idea, until you realize the impact it has on our food supply. More land dedicated to the production of bio fuels, means less land dedicated to the production of food. Less land dedicated to the production of food equals less food. Decreased supply coupled with increased demand will always equate to higher prices.

Reforestation projects
Recently, many nations have sought to fight the effects of climate change by converting large amounts of agricultural land to forests. Do I really need to explain how this is impacting our food supply and driving up prices? You can cry all you want about the rain forests, but when you want to turn farmer Franks field into pine trees we have a problem.

The great irony about all of this is that the colder temperatures and shorter growing seasons have had a serious impact on worldwide agricultural output; meanwhile our environmentalist friends are further limiting agriculture by implementing policies to protect us from rising temperature.



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