by 2:14 PM 0 COMMENTS
I arrived in Africa this past week. I knew that conditions would not be ideal here. Most of the people here are refugees from Yemen, Somalia Ethiopia, and Sudan. As I drove from the airport, I was saddened by the poverty I saw. It looked less like the primitive African villages I had envisioned, and more like some kind of post apocalyptic world.

It is hotter here than Saudi Arabia. I am fortunate enough to arrive in the cool season, which is about the same as a Texas summer. The food on base is quite good; in fact, it is the best galley food I’ve had in the Navy. I’m also impressed with the quality of military people here. Low quality people tend not to volunteer for an assignment like this.

I’m living in a tent with no power to charge my laptop. It took a few days but I have figured where to find wireless access, and power. Now I can spend an hour or two a night and blog. During the week, I will be a bit busy, but the weekends should have more posts.



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