Libor Banking Scandal

by 9:44 AM 0 COMMENTS

In the words, of Marty McFly, "this is heavy."

I like the ex-bankster lawyer who says that these banks business model is to make as much money as possible by any means possible. Also featured is Matt Tiabbi, the man who coined the phrase "vampire squid" to refer to the Elite banking network.

Powerful piece of news right here:

Other gems, include the mention of how the mob learned from Wall Street on how to extort.

Related Articles:

Rolling Stone, Matt Tiabbi: Libor Banking Scandal Deepens--Barclays Released Damning Email Implicating British Government

Global Research: Bank Fraud-The Big Losers in Libor Rate Manipulation

Christian Science Monitor: Lies, Damned Lies and Libor

Reuters: UK Drafts in Fraud Squad as Libor Fine Hits Barclays

Bottom line: these Elite tools jimmy everything possible to transfer as much wealth and power to them as humanly (and demonically) possible.

xposted The republican Mother, Left Coast Rebel

Republican Mother


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