Worthy Causes

by 12:09 PM 0 COMMENTS

One thing I have done a poor job of since I started blogging almost two years ago, is using bogging as a tool to support worthy causes. Beginning this week, I've added a few links in the toolbar at the bottom of the page, to some worthy causes.

The first link "Help Minot" provides information that will help readers in the effort to assist victims of the devastating, Minot floods. It's a great opportunity to not only help those in need, but once again show the power of the private sector to solve humanitarian problems.

The the other link, is something that I have become involved with. The State of California has absolutely lost it's mind. The new law requiring teaching of gay history in California schools is an extremism that must be fought. This new law, tramples parental rights and further erodes and degrades the faith of millions.

Even if you support the homosexual movement, I see no rational justification for such a law. Why do elementary school children need to learn about sexuality at all?



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