A black and white issue

by 3:41 AM 0 COMMENTS

This from the Herald Sun...

"Hate-filled thugs terrorise communities in northwest suburbs

A HEAVILY armed racist gang is terrorising communities across the northwest suburbs of Melbourne...

The brutal thugs - who call themselves Bros Over Hoes or BOH - have been involved in drive-by shootings, home invasions and bloody clashes with African refugees.

Chilling photos of masked young men brandishing an arsenal of weapons including guns, machetes and a chainsaw have also been uncovered in a special investigation by the Sunday Herald Sun.

Ten frightened African families have fled the area and others, without the finances to move, remain in fear of their lives.

The Sunday Herald Sun has handed 25 photos of the Melton-based gang to Victoria Police.

It shows them brazenly posing with guns, knives, spears, a bow and arrow and a chainsaw.

There are also videos online of them taking drugs and bashing women, including stamping on one girl's head."

Shocking stuff and happening right here in Melbourne Australia. Who would have thought that this could ever happen in our wonderful world of multiculturalism?

Of course we can't excuse these violent criminals and blame their behaviour on multiculturalism alone, they are completely responsible for their own actions, they are scumbags of the lowest order who should be rounded up and shot...

Having said that, it's such a shame that the many African gangs who are just as violent don't seem to rate much of a mention, gangs that I have seen with my own eyes in notorious areas like Sunshine and Melton...

...Gangs that I have written about many times before.



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