by 10:44 AM 0 COMMENTS

About two weeks ago, I had a frustration rant and said I would take some time off. Is conservative blogging pointless? No. However, the way I was approaching it was not very effective. Variety is good, but I was all over the map. As I read the daily headlines I am a bit overwhelmed about what I should and should not cover. I want to focus on a few key areas and only occasionally touch on others.

My focus:

  • A focus on socialism.
  • Exposing the dangers of globalization
  • More Utah politics
Parnell will keep doing his thing. Who am I to restrict an artist? I will occasionally deal with other matters, but I’m not going to pay much attention to national political figures or daily headlines. There are a lot of excellent conservative blogs which do a much better job at that than me.



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