I have become one of a group of Utahans pushing for the our state to adopt an alternative license plate based on the Gadsden Flag. Fellow blogger Pedaling fast and trying to keep up has also, joined us in this effort. The following is my letter to Utah State Representative Kay McIff:
Representative McIff,
As I look at the recent actions of states such as California and Colorado, I am profoundly grateful that the leaders of our state have some semblance of sanity. I feel that overall the legislative branch of our state government is doing a good job, particularly in the area of standing up to Washington.
Recently a handful of states have begun to offer an alternative license plate based on the Gadsden flag. I am part of a group that would like to see Utah adopt such an alternative plate. We have been in contact with Vice-chair of the Transportation Committee, Johnny Anderson, who has expressed interest in sponsoring a bill that would make this a reality.
Because of the recent popularity of traditional constitutionalism, many potential voters would support such legislation. It could also serve as an acceptable way for the state to generate revenue. I would pay extra for such a plate. This can be a powerful way for the people of Utah to display their patriotism, while sending a clear message to Washington.
I will be writing a letter on this subject to the editor of the Richfield Reaper, in the next few days. I, will also be publishing a copy of this letter on http://www.trestinmeacham.info, my political blog, which receives thousands of visitors (many from Sevier county) a week.
We would be profoundly grateful for your support in the worthy undertaking.
Trestin Meacham
I encourage my Utah readers to write your state representatives, and join the facebook page and group.
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