Dear Barney Frank,
I know you are upset that the new Republican House will make it difficult to spend money, but that was the whole idea. You see, American are divided in what exact areas they want to see cut, but most of us do want to see spending cut. I know this is hard for you to comprehend, but most people want to see future generations have some kind of hope. Chin up Congressman, you will still be overpaid with excessively many benefits.
Somewhat Sincerely,
Trestin Meacham
Dear Microsoft,
I am so grateful for Internet Explorer. Every time I buy a new computer, the first thing I do is use Explorer to down load a better browser. Others such as Opera and Chrome, make their products better by improving security and speed. Fire Fox, gives you all kinds of cool add-ons. Nevertheless, not you, you are okay with being a fourth rate browser, you have nothing to prove.
Trestin Meacham
Dear State of Arizona,
You people are awesome. For a while, I was not sure about you, after all you did elect Big Sis as your Governor. However… We all do stupid things. You have more than made up for it in the past year. You have been one of the leaders in the recent states rights movement. It brings me great comfort to know that my beloved Utah has a sane neighbor to the south. Keep doing what you are doing.
Trestin Meacham
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