A few days ago (on Facebook) I saw a link on one of my friend’s profiles. He explained the link in this way: "My wife made me post this." I clicked on the link and found this news story. In a world filled with seemingly endless bad news, it's nice to know that people are still decent. For every story like this there are thousands that go unnoticed.
A few years back, I was guy in his mid 20's who had just moved to the big city for an opportunity to student teach. I found a part time job working at the LDS distribution center. The position was temporary to help with the demand for the holiday season. My car was falling apart and my rent was expensive. Having that job really kept me afloat, so I made sure to work extra hard. Brian was my supervisor and he was a great boss.
When the holiday season came to an end I was let go. A few days after I received a phone call from the distribution center. Another department was looking to fill a permanent position and Brian recommended that they call me. I took the job and was able to do my student teaching and stay afloat.
As I look back I am astonished at the quality of people that have been involved in my life. Brian is just one of many people that have impacted my life for the better. From the great town I grew up in, to the multi million inhabitant city of Seoul, my experience is that people are basically good and decent. While I have come across some very dark souls, the good seems to outnumber the bad.
DeveloperCras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.
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