No opinion or news source is infallible; this is why it is important to learn of current events from multiple sources. With this in mind, I have decided to start doing interviews with bloggers, that I feel are of worth to my readers. This will be the first, in what I plan to be several interviews. My first interview is with none other than Fuzzy Slippers:
TM- You use the name Fuzzy Slippers. Is there a story behind the name, or a reason you choose to use this?
FS- I chose the name because I rather liked the "comfy" and welcoming connotation that it has, and it seemed to fit the type of blogging that I was doing originally. I would not have chosen "Fuzzy Slippers" for a political blog, but then, I never intended to have a political blog. Circumstances in the country changed, and I felt that I could no longer write about things like Cadbury chocolate eggs, shoes, and television shows as I was doing. It became more and more evident that our country and way of life are in real danger, and I slowly moved to writing exclusively about politics. I never really made a conscious decision to become a conservative political blogger, it just happened in response to this administration and its agenda, so I'm just sort of stuck with "Fuzzy Slippers," I guess.
TM- What inspired you to begin blogging about politics?
FS- On my "old" blog, I would occasionally write about politics (the first push by McCain and Kennedy for amnesty for illegals, 9/11, the Iraq war, the 2008 election), but it was only occasionally. I've always been somewhat interested in politics, but I was one of those Americans who was floating along, not really paying close attention, rather complacent and taking our freedom for granted. I'm sure if someone had told me that then, I'd have felt insulted, but I can see now that it was true.
Watching Obama, listening to him, seeing what he, Pelosi, and Reid are doing, I began fearing that the freedom I'd been taking for granted was being threatened, had been being threatened for decades. And I couldn't not write about it.
TM- What do you think is the most important issue facing America?
FS- This is a tough one, but I feel that the socialist push in this country is the most important issue facing America because it touches every aspect of our lives from the economy, to the military, to our core values. Socialism requires a secular, dependent, and shackled citizenry. This is the opposite of who we are as a people, and despite decades of chipping away at our core American values and our God, we are still Americans. "American" and "socialism" are ideologically incompatible, so to enable one, the other must be eliminated, thus the "fundamental transformation" that is Obama's vision for the country requires that American values and principles, our free market capitalism, our freedoms and liberty must all be wiped out. I find this not only offensive to my culture and heritage but anathema to me as an American and as a patriot.
TM- You were involved in the recent historic campaign of Scott Brown. What did you take away from that experience?
FS- The main thing that I took away from the Scott Brown campaign (and my involvement was relatively minimal) was the chasm between what regular Americans, particularly though not exclusively democrats, think the Democratic Party is. The thing that I was constantly hearing was that it was for "the little guy," for the working stiff. That's just not true, not any longer (if it ever was), and I think that the far left lunge hasn't really sunk in with everyday American voters. They still think they're part of JFK's Democratic Party, and they couldn't be more wrong. This is something that I think the Republican Party needs to expose to voters before November.
The other thing that I took away from that election, or more accurately, from the White House and Congressional Democrats completely ignoring the fact that Massachusetts, bluer than blue, sent a Republican to D. C. during the health care "debate" and in Ted Kennedy's seat was just how apolitical this administration is. These people are ideologues, not politicians in the "normal" sense, and we saw that clearly when they didn't accept that the American people did not approve of what they are doing, when they didn't move to center.
They ignored the message from Massachusetts, and they ignored the Town Halls, the polls, the Tea Party . . . little could have been more eye-opening and more frightening than a government that tramples over the people to achieve its own ends. That's not America, not my America, and not the America of the millions of liberals, conservatives, and independents who are standing up and fighting back.
TM- Tell us a little about Pot Luck. What is it? Who is involved?
FS- Potluck is the brainchild of Jill from Pundit & Pundette. She's a prominent conservative blogger who realized that there was no single blog that provided a forum for conservative women, and she set out to change that. We're a mix of conservative women bloggers who serve up conservative views on the events of the day. We each maintain our own blogs and either cross post at Potluck or post unique items there. The discussions there are lively, and we invite everyone to check us out and contribute to them. There are 16 of us:
* Adrienne's Corner
* And So it Goes in Shreveport
* Backyard Conservative
* Bread upon the Waters
* Carol's Closet
* Chocolate for your Brain
* Coffee Milk Conservative
* Fuzzy Logic
* Nice Deb
* No Sheeples Here
* Obi's Sister
* Politicaljunkie Mom
* Pundit & Pundette
* Retriever
* Ruby Slippers
* Shout First, Ask Questions Later
I have been reading Fuzzy Slippers blog "Fuzzy Logic" for several months. Her blend of humor and intellectual outrage make her writing unique. Her blog is a must read for those interested in conservative political though.
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