The article reminded me of someone we all know

I was looking through this article, and it suddenly occurred to me - it reminds me of someone, someone very famous. Here is the excerpt from the article... Wednesday, September 19, 2012 The article reminded me of someone we all

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Never trust the mainstream media, never!

I read an article today in and it made me giggle... Romney Camp Breaks Precedent, Bars Press From Israel Fundraiser JERUSALEM - In a precedent-breaking move, the Romney campaign said today it will bar reporters from attending a high-dollar

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Opiate for the masses

Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions.

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Libor Banking Scandal

In the words, of Marty McFly, "this is heavy." I like the ex-bankster lawyer who says that these banks business model is to make as much money as possible by any means possible. Also featured is Matt Tiabbi, the man

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Obamacare and the groundhog day

I've recently re-read an old novel by the very popular Russian science-fiction writers, the Strugatsky brothers. The name of the novel is "The details of Nikita Vorontsov's life". It's a story of a man, who keeps reliving his life over

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Origin of The Green Movement

How we deal with our environment is a problem that should appeal to all reasonable people. Who wants to have smog filled skies and polluted water? While many people in this movement are sincere in their intentions to make the

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My Notice

When I was in the service, I was either working or enjoying free time. Due to where I was, I was cut off from church service or really having much of a life. Now I have family, friends, church, and

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States Rights 101

In recent years, there has been a growing resentment of our federal government and its increasingly unconstitutional actions. Much of the frustration is concerning the disproportionate control of our land and resources by the federal government. Many of our state

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Ignorance is strength, 2012 edition

It seems that ignorance is a necessary condition to become a liberal activist. It’s simply astounding how little some folks know about the government spending. A few days ago, I left a comment on a liberal site yahoo – and

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This and That

Trestin is most definitely busy running for office and probably much more, but I thought I'd just put up a few things that I thought were interesting in no particular order:

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